A Community and the SharePoint Saturday Cologne only works with Sponsors. We say Thank you to:

Platinum Sponsor
Alegri International Service GmbH
Alegri is a leading IT consulting firm for the digital transformation of medium-sized and large customers. Around 80% of the DAX 100 companies are among our clients. Under the motto “We are #DigitalTransformakers” we lead demanding IT & business projects to success with many years of expertise. The focus is on Digital Transformation, Modern Workplace, Agile IT, IoT and SAP S/4HANA Transition. Alegri has been a member of the Devoteam group since July 2018 under the new brand Devoteam | Alegri. Devoteam S.A. employs 6,500 people worldwide, 600 of them in the DACH area.
Michael Roth

Michael Roth has been working as a consultant since 2011. Starting with team- and management development classes in- and outdoor he focused on the IT topics four years ago. For Devoteam Alegri he is currently involved in the development of the team “Change & Adoption – Strategy|Digital Culture|Transformation”. He focuses his work on the translation between IT and users. As an pedagogue, he has a special view of the human side of digitization and advises clients on change management and strategy development on the way into the cloud.
Sponsor: Alegri International Service GmbH

Bright Skies GmbH
Bright Skies ist ein schnell wachsendes und unabhängiges Beratungshaus aus Hamburg. Das von Kim Nis Neuhauss – branchenerfahrener Cloud-Veteran der ersten Stunde, unter anderem bei VMware und Red Hat – gegründete Unternehmen hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ein IT Beratungshaus „Systemhaus 2.0“ mit einem klaren Fokus auf Cloud und End-User Computing aufzubauen. Mit unseren innovativen Strategien stehen wir Ihnen bei der Konstruktion und Realisierung einer exklusiven Cloud-Architektur zur Seite.
Anhand unserer Cloud-First Strategie prüfen wir auf Basis erprobter Parameter, ob eine geschäftliche Anforderung eines Kunden in der Cloud realisierbar ist. Dabei liegt der Fokus stets auf einer kundenorientierten Lösung. Sollten die Argumente gegen die Cloud überwiegen, begleiten wir unsere Kunden ebenso kompetent und zuverlässig bei der Umsetzung klassischer On-Premise IT Projekte. Zudem achten wir von Anfang an auf mobilitätsorientierte Lösungen und Konzepte, um Sie optimal für die Zukunft aufzustellen.
Durch unsere starke Nähe zu Microsoft und unsere strategischen Partnerschaften aus der norddeutschen IT Beratungslandschaft sind wir bestens aufgestellt für die Zukunft.
Zudem besteht unser sympathisches Team ausschließlich aus Beratern mit höchster Qualifikationsstufe und enormer Projekterfahrung und arbeitet mit dem Anspruch die beste Beratung am Markt zu bieten. Um diese Anforderung zu erfüllen, stellen wir Kunden unsere fachspezifische Kompetenz sowie verlässliche und innovative Lösungen zur Verfügung.
Da bei Bright Skies vor allem die kompetente Beratung und nicht der Verkauf von Hard- und Software Produkten im Mittelpunkt steht, arbeiten wir herstellerunabhängig und ohne Umsatzvorgaben oder andere Verpflichtungen mit unseren Kunden. Als Trusted Advisor liegen uns langfristige Kundenbeziehungen besonders am Herzen, weshalb wir stets versuchen, hoch-innovative und verlässliche Lösungen zu bieten, die exakt zu den geschäftlichen Anforderungen der Kunden passen und Probleme sofort lösen.
Für den Sponsor Bright Skies
Falco Ostermann

I work as a consultant at Bright Skies and drive the digital transformation of our clients. I am engaged in the successful implementation of a Modern Workplace based on Microsoft 365 and especially Microsoft Teams. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.S
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/falco-ostermann/
Twitter: @Falco_Ostermann

dox42 GmbH
dox42 is an innovative software product for document automation and data integration – flexible, powerful and intuitive.
dox42 enables you to generate complex documents automatically and integrate data, images, tables, dynamic charts, QR-codes and text modules from various data sources, such as SharePoint, data bases, MS Dynamics 365, NAV, AX and CRM, SAP, WebServices or Excel.
Business users can design templates in up-to-date and uniform corporate design fast and flexibly using the dox42 Microsoft Office Add-Ins. The dox42 Server can be integrated into SharePoint, websites, applications, CRM or ERP systems and workflows seamlessly.
Für den Sponsor dox42
Fabian Huber

Fabian originally comes from Human Resource Management and is now Business Technology Evangelist at dox42. He presents dox42 to customers and partners at various events, international conferences and online meetings. He is currently building in-depth knowledge and project knowhow on process optimization and document automation for various technologies (Microsoft SharePoint, MS Office, Dynamics 365, NAV, SAP, etc.) as well as accompanying customers and partners through the entire implementation process. In Addition, he supports dox42 in various online Marketing activities.
Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/Fabian_Huber64
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/fabian-huber-207517118/
Business Technology Evangelist
Platinum Sponsor: dox42
Johannes Linder

Johannes has been working with SharePoint since he first stumbled across it in SP 2010. In his position as dox42 Lead Technical Evangelist he works with different environments and architectural scenarios on a daily basis – always trying to find new best practices. While doing so he has gained great SharePoint project knowhow in different industries and frequently contributes his knowledge and learnings on international conferences, in webinars and blog posts. Apart from SharePoint his job also is integrating dox42 into a great variety of other technologies and applications (MS Dynamics CRM, SAP, MS Flow, etc.) as well as supporting customers and partners in implementing dox42 projects.
Twitter: @jo_linder
Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/Johannes_Linder5
LinkedIn: https://at.linkedin.com/in/johanneslinder
Lead Technical Evangelist
Platinum Sponsor: dox42

Let your work flow:
FireStart provides professional process planning, intelligent workflow automation, and profound process analytics in one unified tool.
Für den Sponsor Firestart
Patrick Antonik

As a Senior BPM Architect, Patrick advised clients on how to get started with FireStart and implemented a large number of projects for clients over the last 7 years. Today, as our Chief Technology Evangelist, he is spreading the word of FireStart, frequently giving speeches and attending conferences around the world.
Und hier seine Social Accounts:
Job Title: Chief Technology Evangelist

Quest provides software solutions for the rapidly-changing world of enterprise IT. We help simplify the challenges caused by data explosion, cloud expansion, hybrid datacenters, security threats and regulatory requirements. We’re a global provider to 130,000 companies across 100 countries, including 95% of the Fortune 500 and 90% of the Global 1000. Since 1987, we’ve built a portfolio of solutions which now includes database management, data protection, identity and access management, Microsoft platform management and unified endpoint management. With Quest, organizations spend less time on IT administration and more time on business innovation. For more information, visit www.quest.com.
Für den Sponsor Quest:
Ragnar Heil

Channel Account Manager EMEA Central at Quest, MVP Office Apps + Services
Before Ragnar joined Quest as Channel Account Manager EMEA Central at Quest Software he worked at Microsoft Corp. in several roles (SharePoint Senior Consultant, O365 Customer Success Manager, Partner Channel Lead for Office 365 E5). He has studied Educational Science and Sociology in Heidelberg, Germany (M.A.), and is member of the Senate at the Professional Association of German Sociologists. He is founding member of Working Out Loud Community and Responsive Organisation Movement in Germany. He has published several books, including articles about Social Intranets , Digital Business and Brand Ambassadors as Guides in the Information Age. He is passionate about Social Media, improving Business Collaboration and reinventing Productivity.

Major Leage SharePoint
Die MAJOR LEAGUE SHAREPOINT vereint führende Produkthersteller und Projekthäuser mit dem Ziel, Geschäftsanwendungen auf Basis von Microsoft SharePoint einfach und effektiv umzusetzen, egal wie groß Ihr Unternehmen ist.
Für die Major Leage SharePoint
Thorben Forke

Thorben is Azure Consultant at EIB Consulting GmbH (member of Major League SharePoint). In this role, he advises small and midmarket companies around the Microsoft Cloud portfolio. His focus is the system architecture and the implementation of cloud-based infrastructure in hybrid or cloud only Scenarios.
The Major League SharePoint (a competence center of the VOI e.V.) is platinum sponsor of the SharePoint Saturday Cologne 2019.

Gold Sponsoren

AvePoint accelerates your digital transformation success. Over 16,000 customers and 6 million cloud users worldwide trust AvePoint to migrate, manage, and protect their cloud, on-premises, and hybrid environments.
A four-time Microsoft Partner of the Year, AvePoint is a Microsoft Global ISV Partner and has been named to the Inc. 500|5000 six times and the Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ five times. Founded in 2001, AvePoint is privately held and headquartered in Jersey City, NJ.
AvePoint bringt Sie bei der digitalen Transformation schneller ans Ziel. Mehr als 16.000 Kunden und 6 Millionen Cloud-Nutzer weltweit vertrauen AvePoint in puncto Migration, Verwaltung und Schutz ihrer Inhalte in der Cloud, On-Premises oder in einer hybriden Umgebung.
AvePoint ist ein Microsoft Global ISV Partner, wurde viermal als Microsoft Partner des Jahres ausgezeichnet und bereits sechsmal in der Inc. 500|5000-Liste sowie fünfmal in der Liste der Deloitte Technology Fast 500™ notiert. Das 2001 gegründete Unternehmen befindet sich in Privatbesitz und hat seinen Hauptsitz in Jersey City, New Jersey, USA.
Für den Sponsor AvePoint:
Robert Mulsow (AvePoint/Sponsor)

Robert Mulsow is VP of TSP EMEA at AvePoint and a certified Microsoft P-TSP. Based on his experiences as Premier Field Engineer at Microsoft, he is a specialist for SharePoint Infrastructure and its regarding technologies like SQL, Windows Server and Active Directory. As Microsoft MVP and Certified Trainer for Office Apps and Services, he has also expertise in the fields of Consulting, Deployment and Troubleshooting. Over the time he also certified as MCSA for Office 365 and already supported various large customers in several projects like Backup & Disaster Recovery Strategies, Migrations, Performance and Storage Optimization in EMEA.
Twitter: @Rob_The_Ninja
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/robert-mulsow/
Xing: https://www.xing.com/profile/Robert_Mulsow
WWW: www.rob-the-ninja.de

CGI, founded in 1976, is a global service provider for IT and business processes represented at 400 locations in 40 countries with a total of 74,000 employees. We provide our customers with IT and business consulting, systems integration, outsourcing services and intellectual property at a top level. We help them achieve their goals, use new digital technologies and business strategies and make the most of ongoing investments. In terms of time and budget, we are regularly given top marks; the customer satisfaction surveys of the past ten years confirmes a consistent achievement of more than nine out of ten possible points.

SMEA IT Services GmbH
Wir sprechen “Cloud” – aber nicht ausschließlich. Microsoft Azure und Office 365 gehören zu unseren bevorzugten Werkzeugen. Wir können aber auch Lizenzierung, Rechenzentrum, Netzwerke, Telefonie, Collaboration und Datenschutz. Eine ganzheitliche Herangehensweise ist für uns selbstverständlich. Zusammen bauen wir Ihren modernen, digitalen Arbeitsplatz.

Die QKom GmbH wurde 1997 von Dipl. Ing. Andreas Rosen in Kobern-Gondorf an der Mosel gegründet. Schwerpunkte der Aktivitäten sind Beratung, Entwicklung und Administration im Umfeld von Microsoft, IBM und Salesforce. Konfigurieren statt Programmieren ist der Grundsatz für die eigenen Produkte: „Daten besser nutzen – Prozesse optimal unterstützen“. Aktueller Schwerpunkt ist die Integration für Salesforce von Microsoft- und IBM-Produkten. Viele der Integrationen mit dem Fokus Terminmangagement beruhen auf dem leistungsstarken, modern designten und gut nutzbaren Gruppenkalender OnTime. Für dieses Produkt ist Qkom das deutschsprachige Know-how-Center.
QKom GmbH was founded in 1997 by graduate engineer Andreas Rosen in Kobern-Gondorf. The main focus is development and consulting for Microsoft, IBM and Salesforce. „Configuring instead of programming“ is the approach for developing own products: „How to make better use of your data and support processes optimally.“ Currently QKom emphasizes on integrating Microsoft and IBM products into Salesforce, a lot of them on the basis of the high-performance, cleanly designed and easy to use group calendar OnTime. Qkom is OnTime’s German knowledge centre and supports customers, partners and the developer with innovative implementations.

Silver Sponsors

Allgeier IT
360-degree IT solutions from a single source
comprehensive portfolio of fully integrated IT solutions and IT services – all
from a single source – sets Allgeier IT apart as a reliable, professional IT
partner for medium-sized and large companies all over Germany.
In fact,
Allgeier IT currently serves more than 1,500 customers throughout Europe.
Dedicated competence centers in Bremen, Cologne, Essen, Hamburg, Munich,
Münster and Vienna combine with a pan-European network of partners to ensure a
no-gaps sales and service network. Allgeier IT is a wholly owned subsidiary of
Allgeier SE. Within this corporate group, we cover a broad spectrum of services
and expertise.
Our 360-degree portfolio of IT solutions and services meets every conceivable customer need: flexible personnel services, IT infrastructure solutions, software solutions, software lifecycle services and enterprise software services. This wide-ranging portfolio is available to customers at 97 locations in Europe, North America and Asia. This established regional and local presence enables us to consistently deliver excellent service quality.

edoc solutions ag
edoc solutions ag (edoc) is the entire partner for solutions in the areas of digital archiving, document management (DMS), workflow and enterprise content management (ECM). And this across all industries as well as in combination with the most diverse IT and ERP environments of the customer.
Since the business formation, edoc has consistently developed and is now an established player in the growth market ECM. edoc provides customized solutions that brings highest possible benefit and added value to the customer. Based on an intensive consultation, edoc accompanies the customer from the technical implementation to the end of the project and beyond. For its partners, edoc relies on a long-term business relationship based on trust and convincing competence.

WEBCON develops the world-class, enterprise-grade Rapid Application Development (RAD) platform WEBCON BPS (Business Process Suite). Built on top of the ubiquitous Microsoft SharePoint system, WEBCON BPS allows IT departments and business process teams to efficiently deliver business applications using agile, iterative, no-code methods. Our cutting-edge InstantChange™ technology revolutionizes the application delivery process, enabling instant and ongoing change management which reduces time-to-business and project risk to a minimum. Every day, WEBCON BPS delivers the tools that in-house IT departments need to become business superheroes, and turning our partners into the primary business application providers for their clients.